... Jean Grey #11 scan ...

viernes, 2 de febrero de 2018
In Jean Grey #11, the younger Jean, who was disintegrated at the hands of the Phoenix Force in Jean Grey #10, finds herself in Hell, surrounded by demons. After encountering the Darkchylde, Magik’s demon form, Jean realizes she can’t actually be in Hell – the Darkchylde rules Limbo. Jean then fights Magik in her Phoenix host form before being shunted into another time and place entirely, this time coming face to face with the prehistoric Phoenix introduced in Marvel Legacy #1.

After a brief fight with the prehistoric Phoenix, Jean is transported to another era, and another, each with its own resident Phoenix host – from Rachel Grey’s dystopian future, to the Shi’Ar warrior Rook’Shir in the Shi’Ar Civil War. As Jean and Rook’Shir fight, their telekinetic clash leads to the very planet they’re on being destroyed.

Finally Jean ends up in Xavier’s school in the earliest days of the team. One by one she confronts her former teammates – and Xavier himself – until she finds the Phoenix Force. The Phoenix explains she’s in the White Hot Room – but that it didn’t bring her there. She arrived through her own force of will, giving her some power over both the White Hot Room and the Phoenix.

With the strength of this realization, Jean convinces Phoenix to expel her by fully resurrecting her in the real world. As she is returned to life, she stumbles to her quarters – where she’s confronted by the adult Jean, who tells her they need to talk.

The older Jean’s story continues in February 7’s X-Men Red #1, while the younger Jean appears monthly in X-Men: Blue.

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