... New about Amazing X-Men ...

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013
I have found this pictures about de new colection Amazing X-Men in Tumblr, it seems Rachel appears in this colection, I hope that! thank you skaldadottir for the information and pictures!

"Someone’s probably already posted a proper scan of this, but I’ve been hiding from the Amazing X-Men tag. 
My local comic book shop owner gave me a catalog and this was in the Marvel Previews. I am a) pleased to see I was right, b) pleased that Rachel is still there (I’m guessing she stays behind to mind the school), c) amused at everyone’s expressions. Warren, baby, you’re too cute. Northstar looks like he couldn’t be more unenthused about the idea of going to the afterlife.

As for that last picture… I was considering collecting all the variant covers for Amazing X-Men #1, because omfg Nightcrawler, but I’ll definitely be skipping that one. Kurt, honey, what happened to your face (I have to say, the tail is cool, though)."


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